Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 61

We are content with whatever lot we have in life yet we also need to strive to attain the goal that Christ has for us. Let's not give up. He does not give up on us.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 60

It is good to be busy. But busyness for "busyness" sake is futile. It accomplishes nothing. In the end- even though work is a blessing in that seems to diminish our grief- It is a means to bring Him glory.

Day 59

People need relationships. We need the contact of one another and yet we sometimes question their motives and doubt their intentions. We are funny creatures indeed!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 58

Discernment and wisdom to know when and to whom one should talk is a gift that comes from God. We can have it if we ask. Ask we must; discern we must;control we must our tongue.